Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I Have to Make a Confession

I have an addiction...

to playing Tetris on my phone. This isn't your run-of-the-mill phone game though. It's gotten to the point where I'll whip it out mid-conversation, mid-tv show, mid-work day. I can't help it! I even think about it when I'm not playing!

It reminds me of when I got really into Solitaire for about 3 weeks, culminating in me beating the game in 81 (yes, 81) seconds. I haven't played since.

Thus far I've made it to level 11, but who knows where it'll go from there!? Tetris is like my sweet mistress, lurking for me in the dark corners of my mind.

Embarrassing? Maybe. Scintillating? Obviously.


agc said...

is that what you were doing last night during gossip girl?!?

Anonymous said...

stop the presses. you're amazing.

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