Thursday, September 25, 2008

What's This? A New Post!?

Finally! I'm going to update you all, my dear readers (all....4 of you) on life here lately.

Hmmm, where to begin. Oh right, the move. Pictures haven't been taken yet, and there are still shelves and posters to be hung, so as soon as I get that taken care of I'll put up some pictures of the new place. Despite the lack of pictures and shelves, it's been awesome. My roommates are all great, and moving wasn't tooo terrible. The weekend was filled with consumerism, making stops at Bed Bath & Beyond, Ikea (SWEDISH MEATBALLS, HELLO!), Best Buy, Target, and probably something else that I'm missing. I'm hoping to have some sort of Oktoberfest house-warming party, or at least an afternoon of grilling, in the next couple of weeks. I do love living here though, being away from the hobos and having a room that doesn't get bright in the mornings or is deafeningly loud at night (no more skateboarders going by!). The neighborhood is also pretty nice, with your standard array of coffee shops, bakeries, restaurants, and overpriced boutiques (really, a rusty couch frame for $500? That's not chic, you just bought trash). I'm basically moving up the ladder of yuppiness. Whether that's good or bad is yet to be decided.

Moving on....

Mommy's visit! It involved lots of great breakfasts, lots of walking around the city, as well as getting out of the Bay Area for a day. We spent 2 days and 1 night in Santa Cruz, which was super super relaxing. We stayed at basically the most charming bed & breakfast ever (complete with afternoon wine & cheese!), spending the first day down by the beach and at the wharf, and then going downtown for a bit the next day to find my mom some Birks (yes, Birkenstocks in Santa Cruz. We love cliches). After that it was on to The Mystery Spot! Which was amazing. It's basically this strange little area set in the redwoods outside SC where gravity is completely screwed (it might also kind of be an optical illusion). Please see:

(Thank you to this dude for letting me post a picture of him)

Essentially you stand on the weirdest angles ever, feel totally dizzy, and look alternately shorter/taller based on where you're standing. Bizarre. At one point I saw a crooked beam that was actually level (they had a level on hand to demonstrate) upon which a pool ball rolled uphill. Or what looked to be uphill. I highly recommend it to anyone going to the Santa Cruz area, if anything because it's a total trip.

After Santa Cruz we returned to the city to do some touristy sight-seeing. However, I was super tired on Saturday so we ended up just getting breakfast, relaxing at the house, and getting Thai with Alex. OH! And going on a field trip to get Mitchell's (best ice cream ever), where Alex was a fool and got 2 scoops. Ridiculous. Sunday was a huuuge day of sight-seeing, including Union Square, Chinatown, North Beach, Coit Tower/Telegraph Hill, Pier 39 & Fisherman's Wharf, and the Golden Gate bridge. In.Tense. Momma flew out Monday morning bright and early. It was great to see her, and Mommy-time was definitely needed.

Work has been meh, fine. I was working on a super lame report for basically all of last week and up until yesterday. It could have been done in a day, but I was basically given the wrong instructions about 4 times. BUT my laptop did arrive! Work laptop? Money, very money.

Ah, and maybe what's been contributing to my total lack of posting and complete exhaustion the past few weeks? Mono. Again. Mini-rant: My co-workers have been all "Ooooh, don't get me sick!" or "Maybe I caught it from you and that's why I've been tired." Listen: Unless we have, or will, engage in a heavy makeout session or I spit in your drink (don't put it past me), I highly, highly doubt that I will give you mono or I've already given it to you. So just shut up.

Friday is a work Fun Day, so expect a post on that. Fingers crossed I won't see my boss naked again (female boss, FYI). Also on deck is an apartment picture post, and hopefully lots more updating once I start feeling awake again/not like I'm going to fall over on the sidewalk I'm so tired.

Okay, that's it for now, dedicated readers.



Caitlin said...

Lover, mono? again? You're cursed. I love you and your mother, sounds like a great time!! Can't wait to drag you through the tourist crap again when I visit!

agc said...

ridiculous, or brilliant and inspired?

okay, what? what's this about your boss? ew.

ivey said...

in sewanee tennessee there is a bar called shenanigans.. its on a tilt just like the mystery spot, but with pitchers of blue moon. lots of fun.


Anonymous said...

julia bell = queen of gravity.

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