Thursday, December 25, 2008

Time to Reboot

An excerpt from Thomas Friedman's recent op-ed:

"My fellow Americans, we can’t continue in this mode of “Dumb as we wanna be.” We’ve indulged ourselves for too long with tax cuts that we can’t afford, bailouts of auto companies that have become giant wealth-destruction machines, energy prices that do not encourage investment in 21st-century renewable power systems or efficient cars, public schools with no national standards to prevent illiterates from graduating and immigration policies that have our colleges educating the world’s best scientists and engineers and then, when these foreigners graduate, instead of stapling green cards to their diplomas, we order them to go home and start companies to compete against ours."

Here's the link, read the whole thing!

Merry Christmas everyone! I'll soon be putting up pictures from Germany, but for now I hope everyone has a relaxing day with the people you love.


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