Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Nashville Part 1: Britney. Or, an Experiment in Sleep Deprivation.

You think I'm kidding? From 3am CST Thursday morning until 3am CST SATURDAY morning I slept 5 hours. And this is the beginning of that story....

Let's fast forward through the boring parts. Plane, Nashville.

CAITLIN! For those of you who don't know, Caitlin is my sista-from-another-mister. We adore each other and have long-term plans to open a B&B in Vermont and adopt some brown babies. Let's not get ahead of ourselves though. Here we are, ready to depart:

Oh, wassup Georgia? Thanks for being the most traffic-heinous state ever.

This is for all you haters. Like it or not, Britney is back. We were about 10 rows back, and it was one of the best concerts I've been to. Acrobats, pyrotechnics, and seeing Ms. Spears make a public recovery from what was surely a traumatic psychotic break made the whole trip worth it. And for those of you who still mock me - 1. I want to see you get back on your feet the way she did in just a year; and 2. it's my blog and I'll write what I want to.

My 12-year old self is SO EXCITED about "Baby One More Time" (okay, my 22-year old self is too. Also, signs you've aged = not being able to elicit the same primal screams I did 10 years ago).

Post-show we meet Mr. Ben Spears at a club, Masquerade. We think this is "da club", but when we pull up after the scariest cab ride ever we are confronted with goths everywhere. Gee, we didn't stand out at all. The club was in this scary abandoned warehouse, with a distinct "I'm in a slasher movie" feel. Too bad we ended up having the time of our lives dancing up a storm right alongside the glowstick artists and hoodrats. For evidence of our mirth, as well as club clientele, please see:

We stay out til last call and crash at Ben's. Ben! (Yeah, their neon sign was not up to snuff)

Ben had to be up super early (read: 5am) that morning, so after a blissful 2.5 hours of sleep we awake and begin the long journey back to Nashtown. What's a roadtrip without 6am Cracker Barrel?

At 9am we roll into Caitlin's driveway after a rousing sing-a-long to N'Sync (debut album, if anyone cares) and encountering mounted deer at a gas station in the middle of nowhere.

Best 24 hours of my life.

Stay tuned for Part 2: The Slap Heard 'Round the World.


Unknown said...

[to the tune of nanny-nanny boo-boo song:]

i'm on your blo-og
i'm on your blo-og,
na na na na na
na na na na na.

nice pics! and great visit with you!

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