Thursday, May 14, 2009


I meant to update this sooner, but sometimes life gets in the way. Example: a glorious weekend in Philly for Carissa's wedding, and then catch swine flu (okay, not really, but it was flu) on the flight home and feeling on the wrong side of ill since Sunday night. Oh well, back at work, and already ready for the weekend (if every week was a 3-day work week, I'd be a happy girl).

I want to save my wedding recap for when I have a little more time (so 3pm tomorrow afternoon) and after I send some kiddos the pictures from the weekend.

HOWEVER, I do have a shiny spot of good news that is very unexpected and totally welcomed - I'm getting a raise at work! I had my quarterly review today, and since this one is more on the informal side I wasn't expecting much more beyond "do this, not that, and good work with this." Instead, I got frozen yogurt with Pam (green tea and lychee, YUM) and was told that I'll be getting a raise soon. HIYO! Didn't expect this at all. At. All. I'm thrilled.

Lastly, my birthday is 2 weeks (!!) from Saturday. I think I'm going to order some cupcakes to bring to dinner. I'm definitely going with 6 red velvet, but what should the other 6 be? I'm leaning towards: Snickerdoodle, Latte, or (wildcard!) Orange Creamsicle. Help me decide people - which one would you want?


Anna M said...

Um, Snickerdoodle, that you will send with caitlin to give to me...after you make her promise not to eat it on the flight home...remember you owe me after the horrible german gummy incident, where the gummies never got to me!

Caitlin said...

Anna knows that cupcake would be confiscated at airport security (by me). I'd enjoy Snickerdoodle but I'm also a big fan of coffee flavored ANYTHING so I'd be game for Latte as well.

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