Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I'm starting to wonder if the house my babysitting family lives in is haunted. Maybe it's just the changing of the seasons and the fact that it's a little windier and that Halloween is on the brain, but today was weird.

Normally I get to the house at 2pm, take care of some laundry, and then read until it's time to pick the kids up. Today I kept hearing this weird, distant coughing sound, as if I could hear the neighbors if the neighbors lived 10 feet from me. I was a little creeped out but didn't think much more of it and returned to my book (er, As I Lay Dying).

An hour later I was outside with Daniel while Nina was inside doing homework. Suddenly Nina rushes out and she's in a total panic. She said there was something in the house and that she didn't want to be in it alone. After a little bit of prodding she told me she kept hearing heavy breathing and coughing, and that suddenly the microwave turned on by itself, at which point she ran outside. I came into the kitchen with her and tried to reassure her that no, no one else was there and that yes, of course I'd stay inside with her while she did her homework. She was still pretty freaked out despite my efforts, and I have to admit I definitely got the heeby jeebies and felt like my stomach was tied up in a knot.

Even now I'm kind of just shuddering thinking about it. I'm not sure where I stand on ghosts or haunted houses, but either way I'm hoping this was a one-time kind of thing. Seeing as how I get scared watching crappy horror movies (ugh, The Grudge) I don't think I'd cope particularly well if I had to deal with this again. Not at all.


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