Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Bullet Points

Woah, yesterday was a doozy. I'm still tired from it despite 9 hours of sleep and a large serving of caffeine. In short, dentists and health insurance companies are not my friends. However, let's keep things a little light around here for now. Here are some bullet points of thoughts/things going through my head lately.

  1. I can't wait to eat breakfast and lunch somewhere besides at my work desk. Cannot. Wait.
  2. Along those lines, I have 7.5 work days (including today, and it's almost noon, so let's call it 7) left in the office. Squeeeee.
  3. I will be on a plane in 2 weeks exactly. I think it's safe to say the reality of the situation is sinking in.
  4. Tahoe this weekend. Sun, champagne, and an all-girls weekend. And more champagne.
  5. It is 59 degrees in San Francisco. It is August 19th. You can imagine my total dismay at that particular situation.
Hmm, okay, not a really thrilling list. Wait, YES it is: see bullets 2 and 3.

Maybe it's time to crawl under my desk for a mid-morning nap....


nicole said...

So sweet. And of course, we will do more good eating this wkend ... :)

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