Monday, July 21, 2008

This City Doesn't Mix Well With My Bike

It's true. First, we had the methhead water throwing incident. If you need a refresher please look here.

Then, rage-inducing incident #2 happened yesterday.

It's Sunday morning, and I'm looking forward to a delicious brunch at St. Francis, a fat kid heaven soda shop/diner. I really was ready for a chocolate malt as a Sunday morning headache remedy.

I hop happily downstairs and get ready to get on my bike and get going. But something seems off as I'm unlocking it. Hmmm, the front tire looks a little flat. Fuck, it's completely flat. Wait a the back tire flat too?

(5 second mental pause)


Answer: yes.

I was fucking pissed. I still am fucking pissed. Not only did I miss out on a brunch I was really looking forward to, but I also had to drag my ass to the bike shop and pay $82 to get new tires and tubes.

Here's the thing...the methhead thing was funny, after the fact. This isn't funny. This is some fucking crack addicts in my neighborhood who fuck around with other people's shit for kicks. The kid who fixed my bike probably said it was a bum who was hoping I'd leave my bike there for a while (so he could steal it, I'm guessing).

Hopefully the bike has now seen the worst this city has to offer and the streak of bad luck is over. But I'd like to send a big fuck you to the douchebags who fucked with my tires. Go smoke some crack, assholes.


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