Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Highlight of My Week Thus Far

Dear Yellow Bouncy Ball,

Thank you for letting me buy you and use you as my new office chair. I think we've had a fun couple of days so far. Major highlights have been trying to bounce myself off you as high as possible when no one is looking, as well as dancing to the jazz band outside my window. I hope that the coming weeks will continue to provide me with the most fun I've had at work the entire time I've been here, as you are a cheerful, bouncy, delightful office companion. I might have to play it cool when other people are in the office, but trust me, I'd rather be bouncing.


The Ass Who Sits On You


agc said...

maybe my ball can bounce with yours sometime. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

oh god. too much caffeine.

im sorry for going all verbal diarrhea-esque on your blog.

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