Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Let's Get Physical

It's a terrible song, I know.

But here's something I've realized in the past week or so (big revelation turn-around): I am not someone who enjoys going to the gym.

This probably explains why I rarely went to the Hel-Wel when it was warm enough to play outside, and why it took a major breakthrough for me to sign up for my gym out here. I just really dislike being in a recycled air box that looks like Globo-Gym, surrounded by girls too concerned with their makeup and guys too concerned with their rippling (ha) muscles. I find that it takes a huge amount of effort to motivate myself to get on an elliptical for 45 minutes when I'd otherwise happily get outside and play ultimate, ride my bike, or just take a long walk.

So why am I not playing ultimate? There's a few reasons, but 2 major ones. The first is that I got to San Francisco too late into the club season to really weigh my different options. The second is that I wasn't in the financial position to be able to afford living a normal life and also play club, and that I also wasn't ready to make the time commitment. I was, and am, new to the city, and I wanted my weekends to explore my new surroundings and get comfortable in a completely different place. And disappointingly enough, San Francisco doesn't have any semblance of a real summer league like PADA or even WAFC. There's technically a league that plays in Golden Gate, but it's beginning-friendly, not even allowing zone for the first 5 weeks or so. One word: lame. I'm excited for winter league, and am faintly toying with the idea of playing club next year. If I don't do that, I'll also be more than content making Wildwood my yearly tournament come-back.

My real point though is that I like being outside and doing something that actually achieves a purpose that exceeds meeting a time or calories-burned goal. Yes, I like chasing after a piece of plastic for 8 hours straight, but 8 hours in a gym? Fat chance. After spending the last 5 weeks or so trying to be diligent about heading to work out after work, my enthusiasm is waning. It's time for me to get outside again, start doing yoga after a year hiatus, and maybe even throw every once in a with Alex will hopefully help with that aspect.

One thing I will not do is hike for extended periods of time. Why? Because of a disastrous senior hike in high school that has still left me scarred to this day. I'll save that story for another day though.

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